The tweets are sent by different people in the KTaNE Discord Server (not sponsored). The tweets are cryptic clues with the hastags being the definitions. The number of retweets is the length of the clue's solution (subtly hinting at the fact that these words appear somewhere else).
Once the clues are solved, we need to find out why we need them. The title and flavor text help us here. "The Office Room" is a section in the Discord server, which consists of many channels. We can find that for each user, on the dates given in the tweets, they have sent messages with only the word clued by the tweet. Each of those messages has a reaction under them, providing an index into the channel name where the message was found.
User | Clue | Solution w/ explanation | Index Given | Channel |
Logbot#0547 | Duties, right? Cheers! (5) | ROLES [R + OLES] | 6 | #Bot-commands |
_maddymoos | Broadcast atmosphere's ascent (5) | CLIMB [CLIMB = CLIME homophone] | 6 | #vOice-text |
ryaninator81#6683 | Badger lost vitamin after constant noise (4) | PING [PI + N(-a)G] | 7 | #Bot-commands |
short_c1rcuit#0481 | Making strange art on ice (8) | CREATION [CREATION*] | 1 | #puzzleS |
Betshet#4658 | Passionately kiss Kylo at church next to symbol of Force (6) | FRENCH [F + REN + CH (French = slang for kiss)] | 4 | #locaLization |
Buttegg#3472 | Frenzied ego trips involving mid-morning forwarding (9) | REPOSTING [REPOSTI(N)G*] | 3 | #sErver-suggestions |
EpicToastâ„¢#4314 | Kiwi confused by parking assistant backing online reference (9) | WIKIPEDIA [WIKI* + P + EDIA<] | 13 | #ktane-dIscussion |
Noah(TCNL)#2944 | Naive swinger Ernie turns and hugs mischievous creature (6) | SIMPLE [S(IMP)LE< (Ernie Els, golfer)] | 9 | #server-suGgestions |
Xmaster#2463 | Odd work at play with skirt garment (10) | WRAPAROUND [W_R_A_P_A_ + ROUND] | 6 | #manual-cHallenges |
The extracted letters spell the solution.
Special thanks to Sara Goodchild (Discord: sarathegood#9710) for creating the cryptic clues.